

sdc-tools is a collection of tools for working with the SALDi Data Cube (SDC), which is hosted on the Draco HPC cluster at the University of Jena and contains various Earth Observation data sets for the six study areas of the SALDi project.

The following pages provide information on how to install and use the sdc-tools package, as well as an overview of the datasets that are currently available in the SDC and how to access them.

Please note the following:

  • Access to the SDC is restricted to employees and students affiliated with the Department for Earth Observation of the University of Jena, however, some tools might still be useful for others who are working with similar data sets.

  • The tools and documentation are constantly being improved and extended. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to open an issue or a pull request, post in the discussions or reach out directly to me via the email provided here.
